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Download a Genet-Assist Demo
Read all of the following instructions before you start!
This is a very large download - if you have a dial-up internet service,
it may be best if you contact us and we'll mail you a demo
The download file (setup.exe) is used to install the Demo which becomes
the main program upon entry of a validation key. You will want to keep a
copy of it in case you need to re-install or network the program later.
1. Click on the 'Download Demo now!' link below and fill out the
registration section. Make a note of your Serial Number at
the top of the page - you will need it later to install the demo.
2. Save download file (setup.exe) to a temporary folder.
3. Run the download file (setup.exe) to install the demo.
In case you missed it, the Serial Number was emailed to you.
4. Download and print demo instructions using the link below.
If you follow the instructions when you go through the demo
you will see how the program works and what it will do for you.